(One World is actively seeking sponsors and seed financing)

One Earth. Perfect and Beautiful. Beautiful People. Beautiful World?

Constitutional democracy is a disruptive innovation. Fiat money is another. Taming fire, inventing the wheel, domesticating animals, agriculture, and the Industrial Revolution among many other things, are, likewise, disruptive innovations which fundamentally altered the arc of history. Similarly, so is assuring the sustainability of civilization.

A unique and disruptive innovation, One World is a global sustainability think tank specializing in the politics, economics and business of sustainable global development and integration. We believe in understanding the past for acting in the present to continuously create a better future. As a paid service, we advise political and corporate decision makers, worldwide (on Amazon.com…), for the benefit of their peoples with the vision of achieving peaceful global political, economic and social development and integration. Our mission is to engender and manage peaceful change, locally and globally, to achieve economic equity and social equality. We are committed to advancing the cause of freedom and individual liberty around the world. We believe that two fundamental principles undergird a society’s commitment to individual liberty: a commitment to fairness and social equality and that social reality is changeable through prudent governance and individual responsibility.

We bring together scholars and practitioners in Theology, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Politics, Law, Economics, Sociology, and Science and Technology to make the transition from One Earth to One World happen. Our philosophy is Agrarian Jeffersonianism implemented as a variation of the American Constitution.

The species survival instinct transcends all ideologies, nations, races, religions, and cultures. The Homo Sapiens will survive as One World or not at all for such is human nature. One World will be a global federation of direct teledemocratic smart agrarian city-states enabled by advanced sustainable economics and technologies. That would be a beautiful world.

This is the place to be for sustainable global development and integration (More ).

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For reading subscription price please send an email to Chandrashekar (Chandra) Tamirisa at ctamirisa@tamirisa.com. The price of each reprint is 10 units of the local currency of the country of origin of the request and U.S $10 denominated in local currency for the Group of 20 countries and can be paid by contacting the author at the above email addresses. Copyright sales are open for negotiation beginning at a minimum price of $50,000.

The articles can also be published in the local newspapers of the various countries of the world, as is without editing (except in translation). Whoever wishes to do so must contact Chandrashekar (Chandra) Tamirisa at ctamirisa@tamirisa.com for me to be appropriately compensated.

Our reliable fact check and reference sources are public and open: Library of Congress, About The White House, Office of the Historian – US Department of State, The CIA World Fact Book, United Nations institutions, National Geographic and Wikipedia.

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